Productive team collaboration supported by job-specific AI chat bots. Use the latest technology offered by AI in 2024. Setup your own private Chat GPT with local knowledge to empower your team.

Productive teams

Ozeki allows your teams to conduct smart and productive chats in your organization. Various productivity tools and features will make them more efficient, such as multi-device input, tailored AI assistants and click count minimalization. APIs and IT system integration can be used to send important information automatically to chat users from IT systems to make business procedures more efficient. You can automatically send information from databases, CRMs, workflow managemetn and logistics systems. Tailored AI assistants are fine-tuned local AI chat bots, that were trained with information specific to a certain job. These chatbots can be added by your employees to your friend list and they can initiate a discussion with them if they need assistance.

Do you want privacy?

If you want privacy, keep your system in your own house. Run the chat server on your own computer and keep all your data there. Ozeki AI Chat is an on-premises system that does exactly this. You install the Chat Server on Windows (or Linux) and you serve your Chat Clients from this server. Ozeki chat keeps conversations private by making sure encryption keys are shared only between the participants of a conversation. Even the IT system administrator does not have access to the chats. If you want to listen in on what employees are chating, this system is not for you. Quality improvement conversation monitoring is possible through chat groups, where all participants are aware, that they are sharing ideas in a group.

Ozeki AI Chat is future proof. It brings you AI chat bots capable of sending e-mails and of making phone calls on behalf of your employees. Your local AI chat bots can provide the same level as assistance as ChatGPT can, but with added local knowledge. These locally trained AI chat bots are capable of delivering relevant, useful information, not just generic every-day knowledge.

Air gapped

Ozeki chat can be used without Internet access. It does not need any external services and it does not have any external dependencies. It can safely and reliably run inside a Local Area Network (LAN). Simply install the Ozeki Chat Server on a computer in the LAN and start chating.


Ozeki chat encrypts messages on the client before they are sent over the network, and the data is stored in this encrypted format on the chat server. Even the system admins with administrative privileges on servers are not able to read the communication.

VPN ready

If your oranization uses a Virtual Private network (VPN) to connect remote offices, you can use Ozeki Chat to keep your communication within the boundaries of the VPN network. You can setup a centeral or a distributed chat server architecture to fit your requirements.

Multi device

Ozeki users can use multiple devices at the same time. They can chat using Windows or MacBooks, and use iPhones and Android devices simultaneously. Phones are often used to take pictures that are shared into the chat and tablets with on-screen pens are often used to annotate diagrams to give feedback.

Resource efficient

The principal behind the Ozeki chat architecture is to push workload to the clients. Resource demanding encryption tasks, display rendering and other resource intensive jobs are performend by the client devices, and the server workload is kept to a minimal. This insures long term reliable operation.

VPS compatible

Ozeki chat can be installed on Virtual Private Servers (VPS) and on physical computers. It can also be deployed on servers operated by cloud hosting companies, such as Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud. In terms of operating system Windows and Linux are supported.

OZEKI Chat Offers
AI assistance

Run Large Language Models Locally

Ozeki Chat allows you to setup AI chat bots to support your team. This means, that you can run GPT chats locally with your own data. If you introduce Ozeki AI technology in your business, you can make your team more efficient by helping them with smart AI chat bots trained on information specific to their jobs. You can setup AI chat bots for Customer Support, HR or to support the productive work of the Marketing Department.

Ozeki AI Quick Start Guide

Use your Large Language Models from any chat client

Ozeki AI is a local AI chat system, that allows you to run chat bots based on Large Language Models locally. It is similar to Chat GPT, but it is local. It runs on your on computer. You can create an AI chat bot and you can customize it to give accurate answers based on information available in your business. You can train your local AI model using information in files, databases, CRM systems or websites to generate accurate responses. Your team can use your AI chat systems from mobile devices and laptops through an installed app or through a browser (Figure 1).

Ozeki AI can also be used to generate e-mail responses and conduct phone calls automatically using the LLM.

Ozeki AI can be pictured as your private Chat GPT.

Figure 1 - Local LLM and AI execution

Ozeki AI can use local LLMs and act like Chat GPT. You can make it more advanced if you create an AI pipline with multiple prompts to return even better responses. You can also connect it to on-line AI models, such as Chat GPT, Copilot and others.

Setup an AI pipeline to have more intelligent AI chat bots

The Ozeki AI pipeline is a chain of prompts. It can be setup to create better results. When a question comes goes to the AI piplene, prompts are executed one after another to product a better response at the end. You can design your custom AI pipelines by writing multiple prompts and passing the output of one prompt to the next (Figure 2).

Figure 2 - Setup a Local AI pipeline for better answers

Use multiple channels

Create custom AI chat bots, with tailored prompts and connect them to the communication channel of your choice (Figure 3). Add customized short term memory (prepared context windows) and train the model with local information to answer customer chats, customer e-mails and voice calls appropriatly.

Figure 3 - Process information in Chat, E-mail and Voice calls


  • Create a chat bot with pre-defined chat history + custom prompts to provide accurate mission specific responses
  • Train a model with data in your support chat database
  • Setup automated AI actions: create an AI chat bot that prepares suggested e-mail responses
  • Create a web analizer AI chat bot: this bot can download webpages and can answer questions based on the information found

Prepare task execution for your employees

Management can design custom chat bots for specific jobs. These chat bots can be prepared with chat history, knowledge bases, response prepration prompts and instruction prompts. These chat bots can be used by employees during task exectuion and they will get better results to the prior knowledge added to the system by management (Figure 4).

Figure 4 - Create custom chatbots with prepration prompts

Custom bots for custom jobs

A single chat bot cannot serve all the needs of an organization. Custom tasks require different prepration, different instructions and often different AI models (Figure 5). Ozeki Chat can run multiple chat bots simultaneously. Team members can use these chatbots from their mobile devices, laptops and desktop computers. As each chatbot is a friend in the contact list in Ozeki chat, a single person can communicate with multiple chat bots at the same time as their task demands it. For example one chatbot can generate appropriate images, and another can generate text.

Figure 5 - Custom bots for custom jobs

Benefits of using Ozeki AI

The greatest benefit is that you will become AI service independent and you can run Large Language Models (LLMs) locally. Your data will stay private and safe, and you will not pass knowledge to public AI models. Althoug you can take advantage of public AI services with Ozeki AI, we recommend you to keep most of the knowledge and AI execution in house, because this way you can maintain competative market advantage.


Chats and AI knowledge stay private

Ozeki Chat and Ozeki AI can be setup to run locally without Internet. You can use your private chat server and private LLM with your sensitive data stored locally.


Use your own hardware

Ozeki allows you to run LLMs on CPUs and GPUs. It runs on Windows. It can use Intel or AMD CPU, and provides great performance on NVidia GPU.


Use Files, CRMs and Databases

Add knowledge from your files, databases or IT systems, such as your HR or CRM to provide meaningfull engagements through your AI chatbots.

On-premises chat system

Setup your own chat system and replace those online chat services that you have no control over. This system will give you the ability to take full control of your chat infrastructure. Your on-premises chat server will give you the ability to control which users are allowed to connect, you can manage your chat groups and the overall communication in your organization. Most importantly your communication will be safe and private as all data will be stored on your own computers in an encrypted way.

Text messages
File messages
Delivery reports
Availability info

Security of your dialogs is the most important business value Ozeki Chat will bring you. Your dialogs will be stored on your own server in an encrypted format. Even if somebody has administrative access to your server, he will not be able to read the conversations.

Even if somebody can listen to the network traffic between you and the server, they will still not be able to read the messages. Even inside the secure HTTPS tunnels, the messages are transmitted in an encrypted way.

Security and privacy

In Ozeki Chat, every conversation has its own unique encryption key. This key is shared only between the participants of the conversation. Messages of the conversation are stored on the server encrypted with this unique encryption key. When a user logs in, his messages are downloaded from the server in the encrypted format and are only deciphered in the client. This is why even if somebody has full admin access to the server, and can listen to the network traffic, they still cannot read the conversations.

Automatic cleanup

Automatic cleanup is also a key feature of Ozeki Chat. By default, every message is automatically deleted after 30 days from the server. (You can change this period to as many days as you like on a per-conversation basis.) This automatic cleanup adds a further layer of security and it is also useful in maintaining disk space, speed, and system resources. Your chat system will stay lean, fast, and efficient.

Installation options

If you wish to manage and administer your own Ozeki Chat Server system, you have the following installation options.

The Ozeki Chat server can be installed on:

  • Your physical server at your premises (Windows or Linux)
  • On a virtual server at your premises (VMware, Microsoft Hyper-V, Oracle VirtualBox, Linux KVM, etc)
  • On a virtual private server (VPS) at a web hosting facility (Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, etc.)

Technical support

If you don't want to spend time with installation and configuration, Ozeki Customer Support can take the task over. We can install the system on your chosen platform and we can configure it for you. Sign up for one of our technical support packages and request the Installation and Configuration service.

Ozeki hosting

If you don't want to manage your own servers, you can sign up for the Ozeki Chat Server hosting service for an extra fee. In the frames of this service, Ozeki will setup, maintain, and host the Ozeki Chat Server for you. We will setup a dedicated Virtual Private Server (VPS) at our hosting facility for you and we will make sure it is up and running 24/7. All you have to do is pay the monthly subscription fee, and everything regarding operation and maintenance will be taken care of by our technicians.


The best way to build a business is to rely on software instead of human work. Your automated software solutions will work precisely and reliably 24/7. Ozeki Chat Server provides various APIs to send chat messages automatically to your customers and employees. You can use the built-in HTTP Rest API, you can send chat messages from a database, such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, or MySQL, or you can use other integration options.

One of the most common ways to do automated messaging is to use a database system. To send chat messages from your database, all you have to do is setup two database tables: one for sending chat messages and another for receiving chat messages. Ozeki Chat can pick up the chat messages to send using an SQL SELECT statement and insert the incoming chat messages using an SQL INSERT statement. More information about such a setup can be found in our SQL to Chat setup guide. Database server-specific configurations are listed below.

how to send SQL chat messages using a database

SQL to chat messages configurations:

Send Chat message from Microsoft SQL Server
Send Chat message from Microsoft Access
Send Chat message from Oracle
Send Chat message from MySQL
Send Chat message from PostgreSQL

More information

Feature list

Discover the outstanding features offered by this on-premises software for super chat. Learn about the functionalities of the chat communication systems. Find out how chat communication systems work and how to set them up.

System requirements

Find out the software and hardware requirements. In short, you need a Windows PC with an up-to-date processor and sufficient RAM.

Installation guide

how to setup ozeki on windows

How to install

Check out this step-by-step installation guide. It will show you how you can install this Ozeki product using the Ozeki app store.
how to set an admin password

Create admin password

This guide provides you details on creating an admin account password.
how to activate ozeki product

Product Activation

In this guide, you can learn about how to activate your Ozeki Chat product using the serial number you purchased.


User training

Starts with basic tasks, such as login/logout, managing the friend list, sending chat messages understanding the user interface, and providing information on how to be efficient and productive.

Administrator training

This technical training equips individuals with the necessary skills to effectively oversee the critical chat system functions and understand the operation of the Ozeki Chat. The following operational and configuration topics will be discussed: Installation, configuration, backup/restore, user management, network configuration, push notification services, resource management, and developer access management.

Developer training

How to send chat messages from a database server, how to use the HTTP API and other integration options, how to write code, and what are the best practices.
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